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Franchising is a great way to start a business. Not only can it provide you with the necessary guidance and resources to be successful, but it also offers security in knowing that you’re part of a larger, established company. But how do you fund your franchise? Read on to find out more about the different options available for financing your franchise.

If you have sufficient funds, you may choose to self-fund your franchise. This option is great if you already have enough money saved up or can access capital from other sources such as investments, retirement accounts, family and friends, etc. However, self-funding does have its downsides including increased risk due to a lack of external support and a potential lack of liquidity.

Small Business Loans
Small business loans are one of the most popular ways to finance a franchise. These loans typically come from banks or other lending institutions and can be used for purchasing inventory, hiring employees, etc. Small business loans are usually offered at competitive rates and come with flexible repayment terms. However, they typically require collateral such as real estate or equipment and may take some time to process depending on the lender’s application requirements.

Franchise Financing
Franchise financing is another popular option for funding a franchise. Many franchisors offer financing programs that make it easier for new owners to purchase a franchise without having to come up with large amounts of capital. These programs often include low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms that make them attractive alternatives to traditional small business loans. Additionally, many franchisors will provide additional support services such as training programs and marketing assistance as part of their financing packages.

Starting your own business can be an exciting venture but also a daunting one if you don’t know where to begin when it comes to financing your new endeavor. The good news is there are several options available for funding your franchise including self-funding, small business loans, and franchise financing programs offered by many franchisors themselves. Whichever option you choose for funding your franchise will ultimately depend on your financial situation as well as the specific requirements set forth by the franchisor or lender involved in the process. With this guide in hand, however, you should now have all the information needed to decide how best to move forward with starting up your franchise!

The professionals at Kenbry Capital can help you become successful through our franchise financing program. Contact us today!